"The writer’s mind can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –A.M. Snow

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I have seen Maelstroms Eternal

I have seen Maelstroms Eternal

I write with flowers of ink,
thy love poured out on page,
in a slumbering alder away in endless flight;
swaying with the stars, so white 'gainst the black night sky.
Facing the horizons, on the calm black waters called -ink.
-I write for thee that thy heart be free.
I have seen maelstroms eternal,
mount in my soul but endless;
-An abyss without thee, I dare thee not.
By starlight the rushes lean over thee wide:
-The ink on the page is erased,
-The text is long forgotten.
                   -A.M. Snow

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Tyranny of Man

The Tyranny of Man 

The infanticide of man,
who are we to decide the lives of infants
whom not born yet to see the greed of man?
Who are we to challenge life,  yet to lose life itself?
Such irony is God we seek, is the God we banished;
yet we wonder why He has forsaken us:
Not He, but we have forsaken Him.
We tarnished the name for which man once stood,
all for power of a corrupted mind
and for money, the greatest sin of the Earth.
We threw away the sanctity of marriage,
the truth it once held;
casting out God's plan for that of man.
Love has no meaning, no truth but lies
it is corrupted by that of man.
So sad the greed this world now has,
the rich of man to rob the poor.
To love without a cost just for greed,
to find laughter in today's bloodshed,
oh how we are so blind to see,
we are the end of man;
the infanticide of the innocence of man,
a victim of our own misdeeds.
-A.M. Snow

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Under the Innocent Sky

Under the Innocent Sky

Under the innocent sky,
ever serene and fair.
Beauty is the stars on high,
taking away our despair.

Ever so silent it can be,
with still a melody that can be heard.
Close your eyes imagine free,
with wings stretched wide, like a morning bird.

Soaring through the dark blue sky,
ever serene and fair;
joining with the stars on high,
feeling the wind between your hair.

Even though the dream's not true,
we can still admire from afar,
the beauty the sky, so dark and blue,
and the many dancing stars.

-A.M. Snow