"The writer’s mind can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –A.M. Snow

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What are We?

What are we?
A dream none-the-less
or perhaps just maybe,
a lost shepherd's sheep?

What are we?
A caged bird who sings
or are we more than what we see?
Perhaps we're a dream within itself,
or maybe the dreamer.

Have we lost our ways,
a reason to live?
Have we forgotten the beauty of life,
that of a natures worth?

Perhaps we fratricide our being,
as we fall unto greed.
We steal from the poor man,
and we give it all to the rich.

We teach the youth to kill;
to teach love is a crime.
We forgot what we once believed,
blamed it all on God, not ourselves.

What are we? Who are we?
A dream none-the-less
or perhaps just maybe,
a lost shepherd's sheep?

-A.M. Snow

Monday, October 29, 2012

I am Love's Profound Lost Love

I am Love's Profound Lost Love

I am love's profound lost love,
I fade each night away.
I have gained nothing yet lost all,
grasping the perpetual sway.

But woe as sorrow did covers me,
I kneeled before thee humbled and lost.
I gave unto thee a blood soaked quill,
and a text of a tragic play.

-A.M. Snow