"The writer’s mind can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –A.M. Snow

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Under the Innocent Sky

Under the Innocent Sky

Under the innocent sky,
ever serene and fair.
Beauty is the stars on high,
taking away our despair.

Ever so silent it can be,
with still a melody that can be heard.
Close your eyes imagine free,
with wings stretched wide, like a morning bird.

Soaring through the dark blue sky,
ever serene and fair;
joining with the stars on high,
feeling the wind between your hair.

Even though the dream's not true,
we can still admire from afar,
the beauty the sky, so dark and blue,
and the many dancing stars.

-A.M. Snow

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Ghost

The Ghost

In this world I sought for,
who I am and many more;
without a reason but a treason.
I without a life, but with a life and none;
to live is profound, much greater is death.
If I could confound, it is that I'm not worthy
for life and for death.

Do I confined myself within my chamber,
to count the days till I remember?
Who am I? Who am I?

Who am I to curse myself so freely, so easily?
A ghost with a reflection,
with no hope, no resurrection.
I encumber my tears
with all things I fear,
there is no end for which I dream.
-A.M. Snow