"The writer’s mind can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –A.M. Snow

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lost in a Dream World

Lost in a Dream World

What place is this, from my slumber I wake?
A mistiful world, a smell of roses flake.
I walk this world of nightmare hollow,
Dare not treasure this dreamful wallow.
The feeling is real but this world's a lie;
If I keep on living, surely I'll die.
What place is this within my slumber,
Where the sky is that of umber?
I wander through this bleary abyss,
Confused about this worldly amiss.
All my dreams and fears before me;
Out in the open for me to see.
I run but all is still;
I can't help myself be ill.
I am lost within this world of dreams;
Alone forever, in a world of gleams.

-A.M. Snow

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