"The writer’s mind can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –A.M. Snow

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Milady of the Sea

Milady of the Sea

Beauty engulfs her extravagant being,
Cursing me silent; without thought, without seeing.
Being as it may be, a bewitching beauty.
Leaving me speechless and lost in dreams.
Her sweet melody calling, drowning me-
Depths of despair; my home, my sea.
Echoing of tunes, O' sweet melody;
Beauty half that of piscine.
The moon itself glistens for her,
It dances around her angelic sound.
Entrap me, O' milady of the sea-
Take I with thee sweet melody.
The great blue we go forth, endeavor and so forth;
Lost to the sweet sound sung forever.
The cascading ray ignites her beauty,
Reflections go forth from the sea.
I met her eyes for moment still,
Her melody fallen my heart to ill.
How it's so I, lost in thoughts thought of her-
Milady or not, forevermore dream of her?

-A.M. Snow

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